Jelly Bean Group Family Day Care

New York Day Care, Child Care and Infant Care


Jelly Bean enrollment is by rolling admissions, children are accepted as a space becomes available. Jelly Bean contacts parents listed on the waitlist when there is an available space.

Jelly Bean offers full-time (five days per week) and part-time care (minimum of two days per week); drop-off and pick-up anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m.


Interested parents please call or email to be added to the waitlist; when emailing please provide the following information:

  • Parent name
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth and gender of child
  • Anticipated enrollment date
  • Enrollment preference: full-time, part-time, or whichever is first available

Program Tuition

Please call or email Jelly Bean for current tuition rates;

Upon enrollment, a two-week tuition deposit is required to secure the child's space; the deposit is refundable when providing departure notification of least six weeks prior to last day.

We will also want to schedule a meeting with your child to establish which program will best benefit him or her, according to his or her stage of development. Admission always depends on space – Jelly Bean Group Family Day Care will only take as many children as we are confident we can care for and work with.

Please feel free to contact us or visit our Manhattan daycare center for more information.